Imagine if you told the builder, “Listen, we’ve taken pictures off the internet, sketched out some designs and this is how we think the house should look. We really don’t want to involve an architect to do a blueprint—just start building.” It’s highly likely the builder would never take that job.
Sadly, in the financial industry, you can meet with a financial advisor, share your vision, thoughts and financial statements only to watch the advisor jot down a few notes and say, “Now that I have a glimpse of your vision, let’s take your money and place your life savings in ‘these investments’ which have done historically well.”
This is the equivalent of a builder who would take your money and start building your house without a blueprint.
You would never build a house without a blueprint. Why would you do the same with your life savings and financial future?
We begin by helping you design your financial blueprint so we can help you construct Your Financial House.